
More Before & After Pictures

Choice & Consequence

CHOICE #1: Playing in the creek on a hot June day.
CHOICE #2: Continuing to stand in the creek on the slick rocks.
~~~~~"Oh, my poor Jarom!"~~~~~~~
MORAL #1 Slick rocks equal wet bottom and bruised ego.
MORAL #2 When in doubt blame your older sister.

Before and After

Look what almost 2 years, three wall color choices later and hours upon hours of work have done.


Anna Did It!

John said to AnnaMerin, "Go climb that tree." So that's what AnnaMerin did. Check out the stance at the end -- our own little "Peter Pan" in training!
(Turn the volume down -- unless you really want to hear the little neighborhood spat between the other kids over the welding of a golf club)


Spring Has Sprung

One day, there was a blind man sitting on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet and a sign that read: "I am blind, please help." A creative publicist was walking by and stopped to observe. He saw the blind man had only a few coins in his hat. He dropped in more coins, and without asking for permission, took the sign and rewrote it. He then returned the sign to the blind man and left. That afternoon the publicist returned to the blind man and noticed that his hat was full of bills and coins. The blind man recognized the publicist's footsteps and asked if it was he who had rewritten his sign and wanted to know what he had written on it. The publicist responded: "Nothing that was not true. I just wrote the message a little differently." He smiled and went on his way. The new sign read: "Today is the first day of spring and I cannot see it."

My sister emailed this story the other day -- I have reflected upon it several times since then -- but as I read it the first time through it brought to mind an experience I had while serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Spain. Hna. Trinidad and I were on our way to somewhere (the "all important" location has long been forgotten) -- The weather was really nice but we had a good amount of walking to do up some of Orense's hills -- and we were late! I was raised to be punctual and being so was enough to put me into a foul mood. As we walked past a park, my companion stopped next to a tree. -- I am almost positive that had you been there you'd have seen my arms crossed and my foot a'tappin and I am sure that my companion could feel the tension that I exuded. -- As I approached her, she asked me to take a look at the new blossoms that had just bloomed on the tree. "Oh, ...yeah..., they're nice -- we're late let's go!" (At least that what I'd intended to say -- but, even today I am not sure of the accuracy of my then ability to speak my second language.) She sighed, turned away from the tree and began walking with me. After a while she turned to me very humbly and explained to me the importance of stopping to see those blossoms. I don't remember her exact words - but the message that stays with me even after these 17 years is...

There are times when it is needful to stop and listen (or see) the testimony of the Savior's love exhibited by the beauty of those creations he has given us. Since that day I make it a point to stop and enjoy the beauty of our world and to give thanks for the blessing in my life that these beautiful things bring as well as rejoice in my testimony that our Savior lives and loves me. Happy Easter Everybody!


A Love for the Lack of Historical Civility

Our family has always enjoyed traveling to various locations (our unplanned "on a whim" trips seem to be the most fun) and learning what there is to learn -- history seems to be a common thread in our make up -- I have often wondered if it is because we all enjoy it or if I and John are being appeased by the children to keep the peace -- but whatever the reason we have had many an adventure.

We have found that our greatest historical interest has been in the Civil War and all the mesmerizing history surrounding an era that seems to be "Gone with the Wind". How can we not be so enveloped into it -- are we not in the heart of the southland -- where
southern hospitality & sugary-sweet congeniality are found in the hearts of the true southerners -- Not to mention where the fantastically enchanting drawls roll off the tongue and the pride of a rebel yell is passed down from generation to generation. (Perhaps it is no more than a hopeless romanticized longing for what was -- but, oh how I will sincerely miss being here in Georgia -- my southern home -- I honestly would like to think myself a true southerner at heart -- at least that is what I am choosing to believe. -- Let's face it -- how else could I say "Ya 'all" without batting an eye and think'n it "proper" English.)
Anyway, our latest --- was a return trip to the Civil War's Chickamauga Battlefield. It turned out that this battle was one of the worst of the war. The main reason was that this one was fought in the dense trees & thick undergrowth surrounding Lookout Mountain instead of preferred open ground. The plaques that indicated the various positions of the different units/batteries -- amazingly showed that confederate forces were literally on top of the union ones. The close proximity and abundant miscommunication created a ripe environment for a great loss of life.


The Chattanooga Challenge

Today, we decided last minute to take a trip to the Chickamauga Battlefield just outside of Chattanooga, TN. So we picked up the kids a bit early from school and headed off on the 2 hour drive.
After the self guided tour of the battlefield we headed into Chattanooga to a place near the Aquariums called Cheeburger Cheeseburger.
There we were met with a challenge -- eat the "Ultimate" hamburger and get your picture place on the Wall of Famers. About four years ago -- we took a trip to Chattanooga -- again on a whim-- and were recommended to this little burger joint. At that time, John took the challenge and did well (meaning he finished it) and was immortalized on the walls. Okay - eat a hamburger -- no big deal -- that is until the realization hits that the cooked monster weighs in at 20oz -- and that is just the hamburger patty -- add the toppings and you are looking devouring a meal worthy of a small army. Well -- Jarom boastfully took the challenge. The wait for this monster to cook was about 15 minutes -- Jarom began to doubt himself -- of course it didn't help that John started "talking trash". Did he finish the pound and a quarter cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, pickles, mayo and ketchup? Watch and see...
Yahoooooooo! He finished! Even before his dad. Did you notice that he was still chewing the last bite of even at the 48 seconds mark? It actually took him literally over a minute to finally swallow that last bite. The "pants"thing that he mentioned -- that is a father to son hammy down bit of advice -- "if you want to eat more -- just unbutton the top button on your pants". TIGHT tummy. OOOOOOHHHHHHH! John asked him afterwards if he wanted to head off to Golden Corral -- there was no comment made -- but if looks were any indication -- John would have been held over for psych evaluation at the nearest hospital.


Four score and seven years ago (minus the four score)

our family was blessed with a little 7lb 1oz little girl. We named her AnnaMerin and she was a miracle. She continues to be a miracle in our life -- full of life and the definition of drama queen.
Happy Birthday my AnnaMerin! We love you!