
It's Official

After studying for the last year and procrastinating the inevitable -- I learned, a little over a week ago, that I had passed my boards. So not unlike most 1st time parents announcing a pregnancy the day the two lines show up -- I emailed family and announced the news -- how can you withhold the prospect of good news from those who you'd think would appreciate it the most. -- however, I may have jumped the gun. Being that the information came from the testing center and not from the governing body in Georgia -- the results were unofficial. It would have been a real bummer if there had been some mix up -- not that I thought that that would have happen -- but it sure could have. Imagine the embarrassment -- and oh the heartache!

Well, my Georgia State Board of Nursing LPN # came last Friday and today I received the piece of paper that allows me to practice nursing in the state of Georgia -- my license. SOOOO -- I can, now officially say -- my name can be signed Rebecca Lyn Hyde, LPN.

I have long been of the thought process that if I were to ever earn an education/pass a test that would allow abbreviated titles to be signed after my name -- I would not sign those letters (unless, of course it is required that I do so). Many have thought me insane -- "You earned it!" they say. Well that may be true -- but those three letters don't do anything other than say that I did the time, learned the stuff and passed a test. They don't earn me the respect of others -- or at least I don't believe that they should -- my actions, my attitudes, my ethics and my ability to carry out the duties that are expected under that license -- THAT is was should earn the respect of others. Not some abbreviated title attached to the end of my name --

So anyway -- I guess that what I am saying is that I could if I wanted to -- but then -- me thinks -- anyone could attach a few abbreviations to the end of their name if they really wanted to. Maybe I could put -- L.W. (loving wife), G. M. (great mom), B.G.(big sister), O.D. (oldest daughter), A.A. (awesome aunt), O.P. (outstanding person), V.T. (visiting teacher), GD (good listener), AF (affable friend)... -- So my name could read Rebecca Lyn Hyde, LPN, LW, GM, BG, OD, AA, OP, VT, GL, AF.... Just knowing what a great person I am -- I am sure that I could fill many a line with all the abbreviated titles that I felt were appropriate. Sooo, what is my point, you ask -- well... at the very least if I chose to sign that abbreviated title -- those three letters -- at the end of my name -- it would be board certified and licensed back -- or in other words -- IT's OFFICIAL!

1 comment:

Dessa Mae said...

YAY YAY HIP HIP HORRAY!! Personally I would put Rebecca Lyn Hyde, BWBS (Beautiful, wonderful big sister)
I love you!!